Have you ever heard of a vitamin B6 toxicity...? Me neither, 2 degrees later, and one being in nursing, I was always taught water soluble vitamins= excreted out in your urine. Yeah um not that simple, and let me tell you a MRI, a nerve conduction study- (just picture being poked with needles and shocked) and a bunch of other fun tests later, I can assure you a B6 toxicity is a genuine thing and it can make you feel miserable. I spent most of October having horrible nerve pain and so while I forced myself to still make Bean's awesome halloween costume, I didn't have time to blog about it, but I want to share with you all.
See Bean doesn't pick ordinary Halloween costumes. Two years ago, he announced to everyone how he wanted to be a blue poison dart frog. Yeah good luck finding that in the store. If you know Bean, you know he has the sweetest heart, and if I can avoid completely breaking it, I try not to.
So, he was a blue poison dart frog two years ago, and Tadpole was a red eye tree frog.

The zoo employees thought he had the coolest costume ever. So this year, I was prepared, and asked way ahead of time(think August) what he wanted to be for Halloween. So when he told me he wanted to be a Monstrous Nightmares Dragon from How To Train Your Dragon, I had no idea how I was going to make it, but I figured I had plenty of time. Then the worst year ever continued to be the worst Fall ever, and I was making this costume last minute as well.
However, I really love how it turned out.
I also made Tadpole's costume and I am very thankful he goes for typical Halloween costumes, like ghosts. I added the googly eyes and the smile to his bandana hat because there was just too much of a KKK feeling going on there.

For Bean's costume I bought white leggings in Walmart and died them orange for the legs.

When the pants were orange, I then cut out circles from the awesome fabric I found at Joann's for the wings to make spots for the legs.
I purchased a solid black hoodie from Wal-mart and then cut out tan felt for the front to make the belly of the dragon. I painted the stripes on with a bronze acrylic all purpose craft paint.

For the eyes, I cut styrofoam balls in half and drew the eyes onto the styrofoam and then painted them. I glued them to the top of the hoodie and that part was a little tricky so I stuck a plastic pumpkin in the hoodie so they would stay in the right place.

The horns were where I thought I failed. I didn't know how I was going to make them, or make them stand up. I went through all of my supplies and half a bag of model magic and I love Crayola. light weight, easy to mold into any shape etc. I made them out of model magic, let them dry, painted them, then glued them and sewed them to the top of the hoodie.

The wings were my favorite part. I had this awesome bronze and black shimmery fabric that I bought ON SALE. I free drew the wings on paper and used the paper as my pattern to cut the wings out of the fabric and then the most awesome stuff ever, Pellon fusible interfacing. It was just stiff enough to make perfect wings and the fabric could be ironed on on both sides!!

I then used black flat elastic to make straps and there you have awesome dragon wings

I attached teeth to the hoodie by cutting them out of felt and gluing them on.
I used a pattern from a dinosaur costume for the tail and attached it to the back of the hoodie.

A very happy Bean on his way into school on Halloween.
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