I was supposed to be in a wedding in March, and needed silver shoes. I was having a hard time finding shoes I liked. I searched the internet and came across the kate spade shoes below, but I was not about to spend $325 for a pair of shoes.
The inspiration- kate spade charm shoes $325.00
I found these shoes at Off Broadway on sale for $24.90 with my $10 I walked out with these shoes for
$15 and I decided I would just glitter them myself.
I followed Audra's tutorial for glitter sole shoes, over at the The Kurtz Corner after discovering a picture from her blog on Pinterest. I wanted my shoes to sparkle more like the kate spade shoes, so I decided to glitter the bows too.
I spent another $5.09 on supplies (Glitter and Mod Podge), the rest I had at home.
Supplies List
1. Shoes
2. Martha Stewart Fine Glitter- I used White Gold for this project
3. Mod Podge-Gloss
4. Paint brush
5. Paper plate
6. Pants/skirt hanger
I followed the tutorial I linked to above. I even followed the same instructions to glitter the fabric bows and it worked great! One little trick I added to the supplies list is a pant/skirt hanger. I clipped the shoes to the hanger and hung the hanger to my dining room chair while my shoes dried (sorry I didn't take a pic of this).
The shoes before I glittered them.
The bow half done, This picture you can tell how much they actually sparkle.
I was very happy with the end results. These pictures do not do justice for just how much these shoes sparkle. I was even more thrilled that I only spent $20 on these shoes when we all came down with the stomach flu, and I never made it to the wedding. Life as a Mom! Luckily the bride, is an awesome understanding friend!

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I love glittered shoes. I am making some myself. The problem is, I got carried away and now have a closet full of them.